Material use in interior design and sustainability

In order to ensure sustainability in our interiors, the choice of materials, the correct layout of the spaces and climatic conditions are very important.

Sustainability is literally defined as “the ability to sustain human life while ensuring the continuity of production and diversity.” In this century, where we are intertwined with global warming, environmental pollution and similar problems, buildings and spaces have entered a path of transformation with the increasing awareness of sustainability every year.

We, interior designers and architects, have a great role in materials and sustainability. It is up to us to reduce the burden of the space by addressing the environmental effectiveness of the buildings from the beginning of the designs to the selection of materials. The space can be functional, aesthetic and sustainable. In what ways do we see sustainability in interior design projects?

Saving energy, water and using environmentally friendly and local materials is possible with the right choices in interiors. Air circulation is important in terms of reducing energy use such as air conditioning and lighting in buildings designed with the right sun angles. Climate conditions are partners in the design process. In regions with abundant rainfall and low sunshine, spaces should be designed to make the most effective use of the sun’s rays.

In any design, all environmental impacts of the selected material such as production, processing, transportation and maintenance should also be considered. It is necessary to focus on recyclable, renewable materials. The materials we obtain by utilizing nature are very valuable as we will not be able to obtain them again if they disappear. Recycled timber, copper, natural stone come to mind first. These ingredients are not hard to find. Marble bathrooms and kitchens, old copper pipes can be used for industrial lighting, an enormous piece of teak wood can be designed as a coffee table. Old furniture can be refurbished and come to life in a completely different way.

Another common feature of sustainable materials is low carbon emissions. Sustainable materials not only provide benefits in terms of global warming, but also increase the health standards of the user by improving the air quality around the product.

Analyzing the natural conditions we live in correctly and avoiding unnecessary damage are among the contributions that designers can make to sustainability.

Interior Architect Hazen Altindeğer

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